ANSES report and recommendation on mobile phone specific absorption rate – October 2019

On 21 October, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) published its recommendation and report on the possible health effects caused by high specific absorption rates for mobile phones held close to the body.

Olivier Merckel, director of physical risk assessment at Anses, explained the issues surrounding the recommendation in an interview entitled “Exposure to mobile phone waves: No health risk observed”, published on the website on 23 October.

On 25 October 2019, the French government published a press release further to the ANSES recommendation and report in which it pledged to take additional measures to address the agency’s recommendations, with the backing of the French Agency of Radio Frequencies (ANFR).

Orange, always keen to keep its users informed, reminds mobile users how they can reduce exposure to radio waves.