National health authorities in many countries that are currently deploying 5G, England, Australia, USA, Germany, Switzerland, Ireland, Austria, Canada, Malaysia, Netherlands, etc. have already produced opinions and reports on 5G.Orange relies on international collective expertise coordinated by official bodies which converge to conclude that there is no health risk for 5G, below the standards in force.
Misinformation about Australia’s 5G network. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). 3 June 2019.
‘Contrary to some claims, there are no established health effects from the radio waves that the 5G network uses. This network currently runs on radio waves similar to those used in the current 4G network, and in the future will use radio waves with higher frequencies. It is important to note that higher frequencies does not mean higher or more intense exposure. Higher frequency radio waves are already used in security screening units at airports, police radar guns to check speed, remote sensors and in medicine and these uses have been thoroughly tested and found to have no negative impacts on human health.’
5G: the new generation of the mobile phone network and health. Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA). 20 March 2019.
‘The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) safety standard sets limits for exposure to RF EME. These limits are set well below levels at which harm to people may occur. The operating frequencies of the 5G network are included within the limits set by the ARPANSA safety standard. 5G infrastructure and devices emitting RF EME are regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA), and emissions are required to comply with the limits of the ARPANSA safety standard.’
5G Wireless Technology Fact Sheet. Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research (ACEBR). 18 December 2018.
‘Extensive research has been conducted on the 5G frequencies soon to be introduced, including specifically on mobile phone applications. For future 5G frequencies, there has been extensive research on other applications using these frequencies (for example, radar and military applications) which have been using these frequencies for many decades at power levels far higher than those used in mobile telecommunications. No indication of any health impacts from exposures at the intensities related to mobile communications have been observed.’
[Harmful? Myths and facts about the start of 5G]. Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (BMVIT – Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology). 28 March 2019.
‘[The specified limits are to be considered regardless of the number of transmitters. Even if individual emissions should be increased by a larger number of transmitters, the individual values must be calculated together. The measurements carried out by the responsible telecommunications authorities show that exposure levels are already so low that exceeding the limit values even with the expansion of 5G is excluded.]’
Radiofrequency Energy and Safety: RF safety requirements for 5G. Health Canada. 14 February 2019.
‘The current Canadian limits already cover the frequency ranges that will be used by 5G devices and antenna installations. Similar to current wireless devices and installations, 5G devices will need to meet RF exposure requirements before they can be sold in Canada. Antenna systems operators using 5G technology will continue to have the same RF exposure compliance obligations. Furthermore, compliance with RF exposure requirements will continue to be an ongoing obligation.’
[The authority response came! Is 5G radiation really bigger than 4G?]. Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. 11 June 2019.
‘[The 5G network is faster than the 4G speed, not by enhancing the signal transmission power of the communication base station, but by expanding the transmission bandwidth. The 5G base station and the 4G base station are all less than 40 microwatts per square centimeter. Moreover, the denser the coverage of the base station, the better the reception of the mobile phone signal, and the smaller the electromagnetic radiation received by the user. Therefore, as more and more communication base stations, the signal is better and the radiation is smaller.]’
[5G network]. Sundhedsstyrelsen (Danish Health Authority). 5 May 2019.
‘[Overall, it is the opinion of the National Board of Health that there is no reason to be concerned that there should be a health risk associated with 5G. Measurements show that the total radiation from cell phones, wifi and other devices that today emit non-ionizing radiation is weak and is well below the limits for what is harmful to health. Based on the knowledge available, we have no reason to believe that 5G will change that.]’
[5G Network Radiation Safety]. Säteilyturvakeskus (STUK – Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority). 4 January 2019.
‘[In the light of current information, exposure to radio frequency radiation from base stations will not rise to a significant level with the introduction of the 5G network. From the point of view of exposure to radio frequency radiation, the new base stations do not differ significantly from the base stations of existing mobile communication technologies (2G, 3G, 4G).]’
[Questions and Answers on the Introduction of 5G Mobile Networks and Related Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)]. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU – Federal Environment Ministry). 16 April 2019.
‘[There is no fundamental difference between electromagnetic fields of previous mobile radio networks and those of 5G transmitters. According to current scientific knowledge, regardless of the technology used, the electromagnetic fields do not present any health risks if the limit values are observed. It has been scientifically proven that the absorption of electromagnetic fields by the body leads to an increase in tissue temperature (so-called “thermal effect”). Limits ensure that the temperature increase remains so low that no health effects occur. The noteworthy innovation is that in future, in addition to the frequencies already used by various radio applications, 5G will also use higher frequencies in the range of millimeter waves.]’
5G. Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS – Federal Office for Radiation Protection). 18 February 2019. (in German).
‘Findings from studies in which the possible health effects of electromagnetic fields from mobile radio were investigated can largely be transferred to 5G….Within the valid limit values for mobile base stations and in compliance with the product safety requirements for mobile phones, there is therefore no confirmed evidence of a damaging effect of mobile radio…In a further expansion step, higher frequency bands in the milli- or centimetre-wave range are also planned for 5G (e.g. in the 26 GHz, 40 GHz band or at up to 86 GHz). It can be assumed that no health effects are to be expected in these areas below the existing limit values. However, because only a few results are available for this area, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection still sees a need for research in this area…]’
New RF technologies – 5G. Environmental Protection Agency. Accessed 13 January 2020.
‘The effects of electromagnetic fields (EMF) on humans have been subject to significant research. This includes the radio frequencies used and envisaged for 5G in mobile communications and other applications. No health effects have been proven at levels below the ICNIRP guidelines for members of the public, as such no consequences for public health are expected from the use of 5G.’
Isle of Man
Radio-frequency electro-magnetic fields (RF-EMF) and the 5G network. Public Health Directorate, Isle of Man. June 2019.
‘5G is part of the same spectrum as the RF-EMF currently used in telecommunications. In the Isle of Man 5G will utilise frequencies similar to those already in use by existing networks. The research on health effects of RF-EMF also applies to 5G. 5G will be regulated to comply with the ICNIRP guidelines. 5G does not mean that we will be exposed to a new type of radiation, or to higher or stronger levels of RF-EMF.’
[5G technology causing health problems to humans? People do not need to worry]. Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) media release. 15 April 2019.
‘[There is no conclusive investigation that proves 5G technology causes harm to human health.]’
[What does 5g mean for health?]. Kennisplatform EMF (EMF Knowledge Platform). 20 December 2018.
‘[Just like the current mobile networks, the 5G network must comply with international exposure limits for electromagnetic fields . If the exposure remains below the applicable limits, you are sufficiently protected against the currently known harmful health effects. The uncertainties in scientific research account for a margin in the exposure limits…This does not change with the arrival of 5G: even then the total exposure to electromagnetic fields, including 5G, must remain below the exposure limits…]’
رأي مجلس الصحة حول 5G في هولندا (2020/09/02)
ليس هناك أي دليل أن 5G مضر للصحة؛ من الضروري اجراء مزيد من الابحاث
لم ير مجلس الصحة في هولندا أي مشكلة في انتشار ال 5G على نطاقات التردد المنخفضة 3.5 جيغاهرتز ولا يوجد أي سبب لوقف انتشار هذا النطاق من الترددات. وقد استخدم هذا النطاق منذ سنين في مجال التكنولوجيات القديمة للاتصالات (2 جيغا، 3 جيغا) أو لل WIFI. وينصح المجلس بأن تكون التعرضات ضعيفة ايضا » وأنه من المعقول القيام بذلك.
كما وينصح بمتابعة البحث فيما يتعلق بالتردد العالي 26 جيغاهرتز. وليس هناك أي مؤشر بأن يكون أكثر خطورة، انما لم يتم اجراء البحث الكافي حول هذا التردد لإعطاء الضوء الأخضر لهذا الطيف.
من جهة أخرى، فان المجلس ينصح بأن ندفع الى الامام في المستقبل نحو البحث في تأثير ال 5G على مرض السرطان، والانخفاض في الخصوبة والحمل والتشوهات عند الولادة وحول الأخطار الأخرى الناتجة عن التعرض للأشعة.
ملخص التقرير في اللغة الإنجليزية على الموقع التالي:
New Zealand
Cellsites and 5G. New Zealand Ministry of Health. 3 December 2019.
‘Initially 5G will use frequencies similar to those already used by cellsites. Eventually higher frequencies will be used. The existing New Zealand exposure standard covers all these frequencies, and research published since the standard was adopted still supports the limits set in the standard.’
5G in Aotearoa New Zealand. Office of the Prime Minister’s Chief Science Advisor. 2 December 2019.
‘The currently available scientific evidence makes it extremely unlikely that there will be any adverse effects on human or environmental health. NZ needs to continue to monitor the risks of exposure and ensure that they are within the international safety standard, as well as keeping a close watch on any new research.’
[5G technology and radiation]. Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet (DSA – Norwegian Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority). 11 January 2019.
‘[The overall research shows that the radiation from wireless technology is not hazardous to health, as long as the levels are below the recommended limit values. This is the prevailing view among researchers in many countries today, and it is supported by the EU Scientific Committee. We have used cell phones and radio transmitters for decades and much research has been done on how this affects our health. Risk factors of importance to public health have not been found. With the knowledge we have today, there is no need to worry that 5G is hazardous to health.]’
[A CCARS document concludes that 5G technology will not increase health risks]. Comité Científico Asesor en Radiofrecuencias de España. 19 February 2020. [5G and health].
The Spanish expert committee CCARS presents information on 5G and health, noting that exposure levels are unlikely to change significantly and that 5G will comply with exposure limits. They say that exposure below the limits ‘established by ICNIRP does not carry known health risks.’
The Spanish expert group Comité Científico Asesor en Radiofrecuencias de España (CCARS – Scientific Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency and Health) published (19/02) a document [5G and Health] with a series of questions and answers. The document presents:
‘…the initial opinion of the CCARS based on the existing scientific evidence on 5G and health. It is a living document that will have to be reviewed in the light of scientific evidence.’
Regarding possible health hazards CCARS says:
‘…The frequencies used for 5G are part of what is known as a spectrum for radiocommunications where research in terms of possible health impact has been carried out for decades. To date and reviewing the existing scientific evidence, exposure to radio frequencies below the exposure limits established by the ICNIRP does not carry known health risks.’
The final question asks if we can be calm about 5G and CCARS answers:
‘Yes, based on the available scientific evidence. It is expected that the foreseeable levels of exposure do not change significantly and, in any case, may not exceed the maximum permitted limits that guarantee public health with respect to electromagnetic emissions.’
The document also discusses the use of new approaches to compliance assessment of 5G base stations to take account of beamforming antennas. CCARS will continue to monitor scientific results and provide information on 5G exposure levels. The CCARS report was reported (in Spanish) by El Pais (19/02/20).[A committee of experts in electromagnetic fields confirms that 5G is harmless].
[Electromagnetic fields]. Folkhälsomyndigheten (Public Health Agency of Sweden). 1 November 2019.
‘[The fifth generation mobile network, 5G, has been set up in a few countries. In Sweden, the technology will be launched in 2020 and so far only small-scale test operations are ongoing in a couple of places. 5G uses frequencies higher up in the frequency band compared to 3G and 4G and will provide the ability to transfer larger amounts of data faster. Based on today’s knowledge of radio frequency electromagnetic fields, researchers do not see that 5G and the specific frequencies used would pose a health risk…]’
Report Mobile Radio and Radiation (16 november 2019)
Published by the working group on Mobile Radio and Radiation on behalf of the Federal Department of the Environment, Transport, Energy and Communications (DETEC)
“A starting point for indicating the current state of research on the health effects of mobile radio radiation was the report by Hug et al. (2014)i, which was drawn up for the Federal Council’s « Zukunftstaugliche Mobilfunknetze »ii (future-oriented mobile radio networks) report in fulfilment of two postulates. It has since been supplemented by recently evaluated studies which were mainly selected from the newsletter of the NIR Experts Group (BERENIS) of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN). International evaluation reports published since 2014 were also taken into account. Finally, the connection between mobile radio radiation and cancer risk, as well as other health-related effects, were evaluated according to a conventional scale (adequate, limited, inadequate or non-existent validity).
In relation to possible health effects of 5G radio technology, there are as yet few studies on cells and animals relating to acute effects.
The working group’s risk assessment therefore relied on studies conducted in the past on 2G, 3G and 4G technology and which work with frequencies which lie in the same range as those frequencies currently being used for 5G. The working group determined that to date, for the mobile radio frequencies currently in use, no health effects below the guideline values of the international radiation protection commission ICNIRP, on which the immission limit values of the ONIR are based, have been consistently scientifically proven. The ICNIRP confirmed its guideline values of 1998 in the 2018 revision and essentially left them unchanged… “