France – Health watchdog releases its report on children’s exposure to radiofrequencies – 2016 July

The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has released today its opinion and report on children’s exposure to different sources of radiofrequencies in their everyday environment.

Although ANSES concludes to the absence of data allowing to highlight health effects, the Agency notes that two effects could exist: on cognition and wellbeing.

In its conclusions, the Agency emphasizes that children may be more susceptible than adults because of their morphological and anatomical characteristics, including their small size and the characteristics of some of their tissues.

It makes a series of recommendations to adapt the regulatory limit values ​​to reduce children’s exposure to electromagnetic fields, which starts from an early age due to the expansion of the use of new technologies.

ANSES recommends in this context a moderate and supervised use of wireless communication technologies by children.