Norway : a large prospective cohort study on cell phone use during pregnancy is reassuring pregnant women – 2017 September

Cell phone use during pregnancy is a public health concern. This study investigated the association between maternal cell phone use in pregnancy and child’s language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years.


This prospective study includes 45,389 mother-child pairs, participants of the MoBa, recruited at mid-pregnancy from 1999 to 2008. Maternal frequency of cell phone use in early pregnancy and child language, communication and motor skills at 3 and 5 years, were assessed by questionnaires. The authors conclude :

“For the first time we reported a beneficial association between maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and the child’s neurodevelopment, within a large prospective cohort study. Limitations common in observational studies, including unmeasured confounding are a probable explanation of this association. Nevertheless, our findings provide evidence that exposure to EMF-RF from cell phone during pregnancy is not associated with adverse neurodevelopment in the offspring at 3 or 5 years.”


Orange recommendations for mobile good use :