Preliminary opinion from SCENIHR on electromagnetic fields with a call for comments from stakeholders – February 2014

The Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) has just published a preliminary opinion on the potential risks of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF).

The note is an update to those issued in 2009 in the light of fresh scientific data. It essentially reconfirms the broad conclusions of the previous note published in 2009.
Based on the publication of the most recent cohort and incidence time trend studies, the risk of brain tumours (gliomas) related to the use of mobile telephones seems to be weaker.
This opinion also reconfirms that there is no link between the symptoms alleged to exist by electro-hypersensitive people and exposure to radio waves.

SCENIHR is now waiting for comments from the scientific community and stakeholders on the evaluation of the risks associated with the potential effects of exposure to EMF.
All the details about the public consultation to be held in Athens on 27 March 2014 and the invitation to submit written comments on the preliminary opinion by 16 April 2014 are available on the European Commission’s DG Sanco scientific committees’ site.