World Cancer Report 2014 released by the World Health Organization (WHO) – February 2014

Extracts put on line from GSMA
Cancer cases worldwide are predicted to increase by 70 per cent over the next two decades WHO attends.

Lung cancer is the most commonly diagnosed among men (16.7% of cases) and the biggest killer (23.6% of deaths). Breast cancer is the most common diagnosis in women (25.2%) and caused 14.7 per cent of deaths, which is a drop and only just exceeds lung cancer deaths in women (13.8%).

Bowel and prostate cancer are the other most common diagnoses.

Regarding neck and head cancer WHO says:

the most significant causes of all head and neck cancers are tobacco use and alcohol consumption. These exposures account for the development of approximately 80% of such cancers globally.”

No consistent association has been found between use of mobile (cell) phones and brain tumours,”

“Associations between heavy use of mobile phones and certain brain cancers have been observed, but causal interpretation is controversial”

““Time trends in glioma incidence based on Nordic countries and the USA exclude any large increase in incidence attributable to mobile phone use, albeit with reference to a relatively short time from initiation of exposure. No association was observed between mobile phone use and other cancers”

“Several studies on occupational exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields provide no consistent associations.”

“Prospective epidemiological studies – with accurate exposure assessment – still in progress now focus on possible effects of mobile phone use, also among youngsters,”