The Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN) has just presented its opinion on a review of the latest animal studies of radio waves and cancer risk.

The Health Council of the Netherlands (HCN) has just presented its opinion on a review of the latest animal studies of radio waves and cancer risk.

The committee of HCN experts concludes “on the basis of the results of the animal studies presented in this review, it is very improbable that long term continuous or repeated exposure to RF EMF may have initiating or promoting effects on the development of cancer. The Committee deems further animal studies into RF carcinogenesis not useful at this time. There is currently a large, well designed animal carcinogenesis study ongoing in the USA.  Before recommending further research, the outcome of this study must be awaited. It is due in 2016.”

In a third report the Committee will integrate the findings from its two previous reports and study the classification of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields by the International Agency on Cancer Research.
This report is expected early next year.